Payment methods
Payment Methods
• In our online shop, the further payment methods are available:
International Payments
International payments are done via foreign banks and foreign bank‘s payment systems. Payment methods for every country are available at Your shopping cart, when filling in the delivery information and choosing a country.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Countrywide payment (Lithuania) :
1. Online Payment (using one‘s online banking system). Having chosen a desirable banking system (Your bank‘s) You will be directed to Your personal banking account and be able to do a payment for the products ( through ore system).
2. Bank transfer method. Having chosen this method, You will receive an pre– invoice bill (via e-mail), which you can meet after doing a banking transfer (using Your online banking system or simply going to the bank).
3. Cash payment. While composing an order, one should choose an Online Payment method and later go to section ‘Other‘. This will allow to You to pay cash in Maxima cash desks or „Lietuvos Spauda“ news stands. The system will direct You to mokė, where You will find a payment receipt. Having printed it out, You will be able to make the payment in Maxima cash desks or „Lietuvos Spauda“ news stands.
4. Cash payment on delivery. Cash on delivery is available as a payment method for all items. The fee for this payment method is 0,99 Eur in Lithuania, 1,45 Eur in Latvija and Estonia. This fee is included in single account.